industry Tag

Following to our Deliverable 4.7 "Business plan assessment and revision", we have created informative synthetic tabs illustrating the INTERSECT key exploitable results defined within our Innovation plan. INTERSECT's main result will be the release of the Interoperable Material-To-Device Simulation Box (IM2D) that is conceived as an...

We have just released a new INTERSECT flyer with complete information about our project. Read more about INTERSECT, its objectives, advanced solutions for industry-driven research, and IM2D - Interoperable Material-to-Device - model. IM2D will be officially released in winter 2021 but a beta version is now available on...

EU Industry Days is Europe’s flagship annual event on industry serves as the main platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses in an inclusive dialogue with a wide range of partners. It also helps to ensure that our policies at European, national,...

Materials and our ability to understand and utilise their behaviour play a central role in supporting industrial transformation and delivering against the objectives of the European Green Deal. More than ever, we are aware of supply chain capabilities and opportunities of a digitally connected world. Following...

As we recently posted, new INTERSECT project deliverables are out! Deliverable 4.5 “Innovation Management Plan“, by our intersecters V. Lunardelli, L. Neri, and A. Calzolari, is developed within Work Package 4, “Exploitation, dissemination & Communication”, under Task 4.4. “Innovation Management” (IM), by CNR, with contribution from AMAT. Abstract: INTERSECT aims at driving the...