Analysis of complex systems


Postprocessing tools for the analysis of disordered and amorphous materials from ab initio and classical atomistic simulations for material discovering and characterization of complex materials.

Open Source Software: download it here

If you want to know more about BELLO:

BELLO: a script tool for bond element and lattice local-order analysis of disorder systems.
B. Dianat, F. Tavanti, A. Padovani, L. Larcher, and A. Calzolari. Compt. Mater. Sci. 209, 111381 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111381

Business model
Ab initio for advanced materials characterization consulting services.

Read more on Deliverable 4.7 “Business Plan Assessment and Revision”. and write to for information.

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