#Deliverable 4.5 “Innovation Management Plan”

Deliverable 4.5

#Deliverable 4.5 “Innovation Management Plan”

As we recently posted, new INTERSECT project deliverables are out! Deliverable 4.5 “Innovation Management Plan“, by our intersecters V. Lunardelli, L. Neri, and A. Calzolari, is developed within Work Package 4, “Exploitation, dissemination & Communication”, under Task 4.4. “Innovation Management” (IM), by CNR, with contribution from AMAT.

Abstract: INTERSECT aims at driving the uptake of materials modelling software in industry, bridging the gap between academic innovation and industrial novel production, with the goal of accelerating the process of materials selection and device design and deployment. The Innovation Management task is explicitly conceived to monitor the market needs and the technical evolution throughout the project lifetime, and to plan an exploitation strategy after its end. One main purpose of Innovation Management is to constantly refine the project work plan so as to meet the market and partner institutions’ (including academic, R&D institutes, EU infrastructures) needs with state-of-the-art technological solutions.

This deliverable includes the initial IM strategy and a detailed Innovation Management Plan of action. IM activities are managed by AMAT, in close collaboration with the Project Coordinator (CNR), the WP leaders, and the Advisory and Exploitation Board (AEB). Since innovation is not restricted to scientific invention, but embraces all the development and exploitation aspects of the project (such as commercialization, dissemination, licensing, IP management, etc.), this document is tightly connected and complementary to First Data Management Plan (Deliverable D4.2), First Business Plan (Deliverable D4.3), First report on dissemination and communication activity (Deliverable D4.4), Risk assessment and risk mitigation reports (Deliverable D5.2) and the consortium agreement that regulate specific actions and rules in the projects and within the participant groups.

In the initial part of the project (M1-18) the focus activity was on the design and the implementation of software (WP1-2) and the setup of the pilot cases (WP3). Thus, so far the application of this plan was premature. The exploitation activity planning is going to be predominant in the second part of the project, when outcomes and results will be achieved. Nonetheless, we have already set up the innovation tools described below, and we analyzed the qualifying aspects of the projects (e.g., deliverables and governance) along the lines of the present innovation plan (see Sec. 3.4.5). This constitutes the initial step for the actual implementation of the innovation plan.

The rest of the document is organized as follows:
● Section 1 – Introduction: it briefly presents INTERSECT and describes the purpose of the document and its intended audience;
● Section 2 – Innovation Strategy: it describes the IM approach;
● Section 3 – Innovation Management: it describes the application of the general;
Innovation strategy to INTERSECT and the specific framework for assessment, as a result of the Mapping phase;
● Section 4 – Conclusion: it summarizes the main outcomes of this deliverable.

Info & Download: V. Lunardelli, L. Neri, and A. Calzolari (2020): Innovation Management Plan. Deliverable D4.5 of the H2020 project INTERSECT (final version as of 30/07/2020). EC grant agreement no: 814487, CNR, Modena, Italy.

Find all the INTERSECT deliverables developed so far in our Report page!

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