11 Sep #Webinar “New developments in SIESTA”

A new webinar about “New developments in SIESTA for high-performance materials simulations” will take place on the 22nd of September, 2020, at 3 p.m. (UTC+1). The open source SIESTA programme is being increasingly used by researchers in geosciences, biology, and engineering, besides of those in its natural habitat of materials physics and chemistry.
The webinar is organized by the H2020 MAX project coordinated by Cnr Nano, with whom INTERSECT collaborates. The INTERSECT IM2D framework will integrated SIESTA and Quantum ESPRESSO materials modelling codes with models and modelling software for emerging devices (GinestraTM) via the SimPhony infrastructure, powered by the AiiDA workflow engine, and its data-on-demand capabilities and apps interface.
After a short introduction by Artacho, the webinar will focus on electronic-structure solvers in SIESTA by García, an overview of the TranSIESTA module for transport simulations by Ordejón (INTERSECT principal investigator with our ICN2 partner), performance and optimizations and new functionality in TransSIESTA by Papior, and user support in the SIESTA ecosystem by García-Mota.
This webinar is for scientists, researchers, and students in the wider areas of materials and molecular simulation who want to learn about the new features and performance enhancements of the code.
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