11 Mar SWIMM 2021 Simulation Workflows in Materials Modelling – March 15/26, 2021

The Simulation Workflows in Materials Modeling – SWiMM 2021 workshop will familiarize its participants with new trends and solutions in simulation workflow management and optimization, coupling and linking of codes, and data integration by semantic interoperability in materials modelling. The online event, organized by our intersecter EPFL, Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire, School on Simulation Workflows in Materials Modelling, will take place from the 15 to 26 of March, 2021.
With community-governed semantic assets, data with a heterogeneous provenance (e.g., based on different models and methods) can be integrated into common frameworks, and simulation services can be integrated into a variety of platforms that will serve model, data, and software providers as well as their clients in the future. This includes end-user guided model design, simulation-based business decision support, virtual marketplaces where services can be traded, and the interaction with simulation data and metadata repositories.
The lecturers of SWiMM 2021 are active contributors to innovations in this area from a variety of perspectives, including HPC, multi-granularity simulation, complex and high-throughput workflows, repository and platform development, uncertainty quantification, and ontology-based data technology. They have developed solutions and codes that are ready for dissemination and ample use by both academics and industrial engineers, which they will present at SWiMM 2021 to accelerate and assist the uptake of these technologies by the CECAM community.
Our intersecters Nicola Marzari and Giovani Pizzi will give lecturers about “The AiiDA & Materials Cloud informatics platform for complex workflows”, on the following dates:
- Friday, 19th March 2021, 11.30 – 12.15 CET
- Tuesday, 23rd March 2021, 10.30 – 11.15 CET
An abstract about “Materials Cloud, a platform for open computational science” by Nicola Marzari, on which his talks are also based, is available on the event website.
For more information about SWIMM 2021, visit https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/27#.
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