08 Sep EMMC Webinar on European Virtual Materials MarketPlace

On September, 30th, 2020, at 3,00 p.m., the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC) and the “VIMMP” & “The MarketPlace” H2020 projects will host a webinar about “General Overview of European Virtual Materials MarketPlace Projects“, dedicated to establishing virtual marketplace platforms at the service of the materials modelling community.
Speakers for the webinar are Welchy Leite Cavalcanti for “VIMMP” and Adham Hashibon for “The MarketPlace“, and Dr. Hashibon is also one of our INTERSECT Principal Investigators and & WP1 Coordinator for our Fraunhofer partner (read on People).
These Marketplaces hold the objective to facilitate and promote the exchange between all materials modelling stakeholders for the benefit of increased innovation in European manufacturing industry, and will establish an open-source, user-friendly, powerful web-based marketplace linking beneficiaries from different manufacturing industry sectors with relevant materials modelling activities and resources. In collaboration with the EMMC, both the projects will eventually evolve into true and complete marketplaces, offering a substantial boost to all providers of tools and services and integrating modelling platforms based on Open Simulation Platform (OSP) standards.
Our INTERSECT project agrees and endorses the EMMC definition of Open Simulation Platform (OSP), and our IM2D platform will be made available on those emerging Materials Modelling Marketplaces (read more about our latest advancements).
Info about the webinar and the “EMMC webinar series” at https://emmc.eu/events/materials-modelling-marketplace-vimmp-and-the-marketplace-overview-september-30-2020-1500-cest/.
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