05 Aug #deliverable 4.1 “Project website and graphical identity material”
Another INTERSECT deliverable is out! Our “Project website and graphical identity material”, by Luisa Neri and Arrigo Calzolari, relates to Task 4.3 “Communication activities”.

Executive summary: The INTERSECT website has been developed by the CNR coordinator team with input by fellow partners. The project website is a key element of the project dissemination strategy. It will be used to raise awareness and spread information inside the project consortium and beyond for the purposes of community building. The website is a live communication tool: now it provides an introductory suite of pages that give an overview of the INTERSECT project, and it will develop and enrich as the project progresses to provide details of the project activities, outcomes and results.
Info & download: L. Neri and A. Calzolari (2019): Project website and graphical identity material. Deliverable D4.1 of the H2020 project INTERSECT (final version as of 09/07/2019). EC grant agreement no: 814487, CNR, Modena, Italy.
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