27 Aug #Deliverable 3.3 “First report on IM2D box evaluation through user feedback based on the FOMs”
As we recently posted, new INTERSECT project deliverables are out! Deliverable 3.3 “First Report on IM2D box evaluation through user feedback based on the FOMs“, by our intersecters V. Lunardelli, D. Tomerini, N. Marzari, A. Calzolari, and A. Padovani., developed within Work Package 3, “Testing and piloting”, and its task n. 3.5., “Testing and user’s feedback”, by AMAT, with contributions from CNR.

Abstract: INTERSECT project is developing an industry-ready integrated, standardized, interoperable software platform called Interoperable Materials to Device (IM2D). IM2D will integrate some of the most used open-source materials modelling codes, Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) and SIESTA, with models and modelling software for emerging devices (GinestraTM) via the SimPhoNy infrastructure for semantic interoperability and ontologies, powered by the AiiDA workflow engine, and its data-on-demand capabilities and apps interface.
The scope of Deliverable 3.3 and the Task 3.5 is to evaluate the IM2D box effectiveness during the project enabling the continuous improvement of the platform. This document considers the adoption of the ISO 9126 model for selecting a subset of quality criteria, called Figure of Merit (FOM), appropriate for IM2D user evaluation. A User Survey has been created to collect user feedback. Since IM2D is still in its initial development stage, not all ISO 9126 criteria may be applied yet, and only partial evaluation tests can be actually carried out. Rather, the identification of such self-evaluation criteria from the very beginning of the implementation process allows us to reach the highest quality standards in software production, along the guidelines of Ref. [1] and discussed in deliverable D1.2 (M6). The data collected here will be analyzed during the review of the INTERSECT analytic user’s feedback based on a set of Figures of Merit, which will test also the performances and the quality of the results produced by the IM2D box.
Info & Download: V. Lunardelli, D. Tomerini, N. Marzari, A. Calzolari, and A. Padovani (2020): First report on IM2D box evaluation through user feedback based on the FOMs. Deliverable D3.3 of the H2020 project INTERSECT (final version as of 28/07/2020). EC grant agreement no: 814487, AMAT, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
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