14 Jul Virtual Materials Design 2021 workshop – July 20-21, 2021
Our intersecter Nicola Marzari from EPFL will be plenary speaker for the “Materials acceleration” session of the Virtual Materials Design 2021 workshop, with the following speech scheduled on July 20, 2021: “Digital infrastructures for materials discovery: the convergence of databases, simulations, and accelerators“.
The workshop is organized by the Joint Lab Virtual Materials Design (JLVMD) of the Helmholtz association with the support of Frontiers in Materials, and will take place online from July 20 to July 21, 2021.
Numerous technological advancements are driven by materials development, in fields as diverse as energy, environmental protection, information technology, or medicine and health. Solving major societal challenges strongly depends on the acceleration of materials development. This workshop aims at contributing to building a global community of researchers who want to move from simulations as a tool for understanding materials properties to simulations as a tool for designing the behavior or functionality of materials.
The workshop will be organized in four sessions on Materials Acceleration, Digital Twins, Machine Learning, and Methods & Software.
The deadline for registration is July 16, 2021. More information are available here: https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/1093
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