09 Apr MaX School with Quantum ESPRESSO – May 17-28, 2021
MaX (MAterials design at the eXascale), the European Centre of Excellence enabling frontier HPC in the materials demain, organizes a school on Advanced Materials and Molecular Modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO on May 17-28, 2021, in collaboration with Cecam.
The school will introduce students and young researchers to materials and molecular modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO (QE), covering basic concepts, recent advances and developments, with emphasis on density-functional-theory (DFT) based methods and High-Performance Computing (HPC).
Quantum ESPRESSO is one of the open-source materials modeling codes integrated in our INTERSECT IM2D, Interoperable Material-to-Device, Simulation Box (read more on our industry section).
Deadline for registration to the MaX School is April 30, 2021. More information can be found at http://www.max-centre.eu/news-events/max-school-advanced-materials-and-molecular-modelling-quantum-espresso.
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