04 May #Justpublished “ICN2 Annual Report”
The “2019 Annual Report” by our intersecter Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Principal Investigator, has just been published and contains references to our project among various ICN2 activities.

Excerpt from the ICN2 report: “We have also started working on a new EU-funded Project, INTERSECT (http://intersect-project.eu/) focused on integrating materials simulation codes into an industry-class package for the design of electronic devices. INTERSECT leverages European leadership in materials’ modelling software and infrastructure to provide industry-ready integrated solutions that are fully compliant with a vision of semantic interoperability driven by standardized ontologies. The resulting IM2D framework —an interoperable material-to-device simulation platform— will integrate some of the most used open-source materials modelling codes (Quantum ESPRESSO and SIESTA) with models and modelling software for emerging devices (GinestraTM), via the SimPhony infrastructure for semantic interoperability and ontologies, powered by the AiiDA workflow engine, and its data-on-demand capabilities and apps interface. API-compliance with established standards will allow pipelines to and from public repositories, and embedding into the front-end of materials hubs, such as MarketPlace, while testing, validation, and standardization will take place together with the industrial partners”.
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