07 Aug #deliverable 5.1 “First report on project’s governing bodies, KPI, and setting up”
One of the first activities a project must carry out is defining its governing bodies and performance indicators. Read more on our deliverable 5.1, “First report on project’s governing bodies, KPI and setting up“, by Luisa Neri, Valerio Lunardelli, Andrea Padovani, Nicola Marzari, Pablo Ordejón, Adham Ashibon, Ben Kaczer, Johannes Ocker, and Arrigo Calzolari.
Executive summary: The deliverable D5.1 summarizes the setting up of INTERSECT governing bodies and management staff, the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the building up of the project infrastructure.
Info & download: L. Neri, V. Lunardelli, A. Padovani, N. Marzari, P. Ordejón, A. Ashibon, B. Kaczer, Johannes Ocker, and A. Calzolari
(2019): First report on project’s governing bodies, KPI and setting up. Deliverable D5.1 of the H2020 project INTERSECT (final version as of 18/07/2019). EC grant agreement no: 814487, CNR, Modena, IT
This is the last of the first 5 deliverables due within July 2019 from #intersecters. See you on January 2020 with new project deliverables!
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