02 Aug #deliverable 1.2 “Creation of code repository and versioning system”
Another INTERSECT project deliverable in online! Our “Creation of code repository and versioning system” by Adham Hashibon and Yoav Nahshon, is related to the task comprising the activities devoted to the definition of the quality standards for the software developed in the project, as well as the codes comprised in the Interoperable Materials-To-Device (IM2D) box and the quality assurance procedures, in agreement with the EU White Paper for standards of modelling software development.

Specific actions performed are: Creation of a central code repository and versioning system; settings of the INTERSECT GitLab space; member setting page of the GitLab repository; Organization of software development; Definition of a testing protocols and providing the infrastructure needed for each of the components of the IM2D box, of the interfaces, wrappers and plugins for interoperability; Central code repository and versioning are controlled through GitLab system, based at Fraunhofer; Provision of a battery of tests to feed the protocol defined above; Provision for production of software documentation, including description of models, physical equations and material relations; code architecture, installation and user guide, and test execution examples.
Info & download: A. Hashibon and Y. Nahshon (2019): Creation of code repository and versioning system. Deliverable D1.2 of the H2020 project INTERSECT (final version as of 17/07/2019). EC grant agreement no: 814487, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V., Freiburg, DE.
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