
The INTERSECT consortium is defined by the project needs in terms of:

  • material and industry-driven device modelling
  • design of advanced solutions for emerging electronics
  • code upscaling and complexity reduction through increase of interoperability
  • dissemination and exploitation of the results (data, software and infrastructures) for high impact in the field of disrupting electronics and EU digitalization hubs.


The consortium comprises different types of actors, such as academic, industrial and R&D Institutions.


INTERSECT deploys a unique interdisciplinary group of highly skilled scientists and engineers where the role and expertise of each member is balanced and complementary, thus covering a wide range of scientific areas including material science, nanotechnology, electronic engineering, and informatics.


INTERSECT is built around a core of world-renowned academic research teams in the materials science field and nanoelectronics, with an extensive and established track-record in the development of domain-specific software and its application to frontier research, that is CNR (IT), ICN2 (ES), EPFL (CH), FRA (GE).

The consortium is conceived to encompass the key and complementary technologies in materials simulations: all these participants are leaders in the development of widely-used open-source materials codes, with emphasis on electronic-structure applications and interoperability developments and open-data infrastructures. The codes have well defined complementary features, and complementary is the expertise of the corresponding teams.


The developer team is completed by AMAT (IT), which develops and exploits an industry-driven commercial software for device simulation.


In addition to these partners focused on specific codes/infrastructures, the consortium encompasses R&D, IMEC (BE), and SME, FMC (GE) that has demonstrated unique expertise in advanced simulation of materials and devices in the field of synaptic electronics and neuromorphic computing.


For more info on each partner click on the logos below.


More information about our Principal Investigators and all the researchers involved in the project can be found in people.