S3 – INTERSECT SEMINAR: Alessandra Satta

S3 – INTERSECT SEMINAR: Alessandra Satta

Date: Thursday November 14, 2019
Time: 12.00 CET
Venue: CNR Nano Modena, S3 Seminar room – FIM Department, III floor

Speaker: Dr. Alessandra Satta
Affiliation: CNR IOM (Cagliari IT)

Title: Towards modelling the degradation of pigments: Cd-yellow as a case study

Abstract: Several of the historical coloured pigments belonging to the paintings of the late 1800 and early 1900, are undergoing an irreversible degradation process, causes of which are still unclear. In the specific case of the brilliant yellow pigment that takes its colouration from cadmium sulfide (CdS), a II-VI wide-gap semiconducting compound, the role of structural defects is the subject of a still on-going research that aims to link the history of the material to the reactivity of the pigment surface.
The aforementioned study is carried out by means of a fully theoretical approach based on the density functional theory. As opposite to novel materials, in the field of Cultural Heritage where pigments already possess their long history, a theoretical method becomes secondary to the experimental analysis but still it represents a very good complementary tool extremely useful in the interpretation of complex mechanisms not easily accessible by experiments.  The interdisciplinary work takes advantage of various chemical and physical skills, both experimental and theoretical.

Host: Arrigo Calzolari arrigo.calzolari@nano.cnr.it

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